Universal Languages: Paint, Prints & Photography
Gretchen Evans & Dick Evans
Universal Languages – Paint, Print and Photography is an exhibition of photographs, paintings, and prints, side by side.
In his book on painting, Leonardo wrote that the painter has only one legitimate subject: the human soul. Each of the pieces in this exhibition captures something of the human soul.
Leonardo also wrote that “The artist sees what others catch only a glimpse of.” In these works, the artists offer us more than the glimpse we might catch, for we can gaze long and hard at these images, until we can see what the artist saw.
The photographer edits and preselects what he going to shoot; he does this through the eye of the camera. The painter works with pencil and brush. The printmaker uses various printmaking techniques. Photography, painting, and printmaking run parallel because the photographer, the painter, and the printmaker are not inventing something new; they are imitating what they know – their way of seeing. They each take a corner of reality and make it their own. They are creating images, to bring a particular capture of their realism to paper and canvas –– images that capture an interior monologue.
The photos show the harmony and mutualities of the world through portraitures, against background of cultures and locales around the world. The monoprints convey a magical approach to composition and color. And the nudes offer interest in the universality of the human form. Together, the exhibition celebrates our world of many cultures and the universal aspects of the human experience.
Fashion Que | October, 2019
Monoprint Akua Inks on Paper | 19 x 16"
Nature's Dance | October, 2019
Monoprint Akua Inks on Paper | 19 x 16"

Diva Before The Show
August 2018 | San Francisco, USA
Print | 16 x 24"
Moroccan Crafts Kiosk To Help
The Less Fortunate ''Gracious Smile''
March, 2018 | Essaouira, Morocco
Print | 16 x 24"
Omani Guide at Nizwa Market
"Mohammad the Guide"
December, 2008 | Nizwa, Oman
Print | 16 x 24"