Jerri Bartholomew – Abstracted: Where Science Meets Art and Music
This body of work is called “Abstracted”. The purpose of a scientific abstract is to distill the contents of a paper. Abstraction in art involves the use of shapes, colors and forms to create a composition that may, or may not, have a visual reference. “Abstraction allows man to see with his mind what he cannot see physically with his eyes” – Arshile Gorky. In this series, actual scientific articles (mostly my own) are abstracted to varying degrees and in different ways – using collage (paper), glass (my own medium) and music (through collaborations). Each step of abstraction loses scientific data, but by becoming less literal, our hope is that it encourages the viewer to be curious, to ask questions, and to participate in the work.
The Little Gallery is located in Oregon State University at 210 Kidder Hall Corvallis, Oregon 97331 will be proudly showing a selection of works from Jerri Bartholomew, Professor, Department of Microbiology.
Abstracted: Where science Meets Art and Music will be held at The Little Gallery 210 Kidder Hall, Oregon State University, March 7th - April 8th 2022.
The opening reception with Jerri Bartholomew will be Wednesday, March 9th, 4:00-5:30 pm and she has asked me to make sure you are especially invited.

Myxidium anatidum
Cast Screen-Printed Glass | 4.5'' x 8''

Parvicapsula Minibicornis
Cast Screen-printed Glass | 4.5'' x 8.5''

Pop Art Parasites: Ceratonova,
Screen-printed Glass | 20.5'' x 5.5''

Pop Art Parasites
Pâte de Verre Casting | 5.5-6.5'' x 3.5''

Myxidium Sp
Mixed Media-pâte de Verre Casting, Screen-printed Glass, Microscope Slides, Microscope Slide Box | 7'' x 6.75''

Myxozoan Life Cycles
Pâte de Verre Casting, Microscope Slide, Microscope Slide Box | 15.25'' x 8.5”

Jerri Bartholomew is a research scientist and a glass artist, and her artwork searches for the intersection of the two. She combines photographic screen prints with free-form imagery, and a variety of fusing, casting and cold-working techniques. She earned a Ph.D. in Microbiology at Oregon State University, where she is currently a Professor and Director of the J. L. Fryer Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory. For more information on her science visit her website.